Sarah Darby, RN, CNM, is a nurse midwife at The Women’s Healthcare Group. She delivers at Overland Park Regional Medical Center as well as the Shawnee Mission Medical Center.
“Nurse midwives are more able to develop and bond with their patients,” said Sally Darby, RN and CNM at The Women’s Healthcare Group in Overland Park. “We’re going to enable them to be part of the decision-making process.”
Monty Python's 1983 film The Meaning of Life begins with a woman in hospital about to give birth. Comedians Graham Chapman and John Cleese are dressed as doctors in scrubs, surrounded by expensive hospital equipment (including the machine that goes ''ping'').
After watching this video there were so many things running through my head. The first of which was, "If I had known that I would have had many more children". The next was, "I'm pissed off because I didn't know that was a possibility when I was living through 24 hours of natural labor and delivery"!
My belief is that as more medical intervention occurs in childbirth, it leads to a cascade of labour complications and traumatic birth experiences. This has led to a most understandable increase in the amount of fear and aversion felt by women and prevent them even considering giving birth vaginally.
Mothers and their babies are often said to share a deep, intimate connection...but even so, this new discovery is weird. Simply by looking and smiling at each other, moms and babies synchronize their heartbeats to within milliseconds of each other.
During my three years at International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), I have been fortunate—and humbled—to work with incredible colleagues whose dedication to securing sexual and reproductive health and rights for all is unsurpassed.
Editor's note: Annie Murphy Paul is the author of "Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives." She's now working on a book about learning, and writes a weekly column at called "Brilliant: The Science of Smart." TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to "Ideas worth spreading," which it distributes through talks posted on its website.
(CNN) -- When does learning begin? As I explain in the talk I gave at TED, learning starts much earlier than many of us would have imagined: in the womb.
Damaging children and their relationships for the longterm.
Published on December 11, 2011 by Darcia Narvaez, Ph.D. in Moral Landscapes
Letting babies "cry it out" is an idea that has been around since at least the 1880s when the field of medicine was in a hullaballoo about germs and transmitting infection and so took to the notion that babies should rarely be touched (see Blum, 2002, for a great review of this time period and attitudes towards childrearing).
So the question has been asked at Birth Without Fear: Vit.K…yes? no? why?!/birthwithoutfear
Well, I was about to give my two sense, when I remembered that I wrote about this at length in response to a post at Homebirth: A Midwife Mutiny written by Lisa Barrett (which is a fantastic blog by the way and I recommend that you read her whole article and thread on this topic!)
By DyAnna Gordon
The experience of giving birth profoundly impacts a woman forever. In the past, many women had little choice in their birth experiences. Either they gave birth before the advent of modern anesthesia techniques or gave birth during the time of “twilight sleep birth,” when women were given pain medication that rendered them unconscious or into such a trance that they would not remember what they went through.
In her first blog for the iVillage blog series CelebVillage, actress/ filmmaker and mom of two Ricki Lake shares why she's so passionate about her childbirth documentary film, The Business of Being Born, and its follow-up series and why she feels they've "revolutionized" her purpose in the world.
To read the rest the rest of this article click here.
By Jack Minch,
Posted: 12/11/2011 06:34:50 AM EST
Jennifer Matoney lives in Worcester but traveled to HealthAlliance Hospital in Leominster to give birth to her first baby Aug. 28 because she liked the midwife program.
Here’s a new waterbirth videos series answering all your questions about water birth.
You see, when I even entertained the idea of having a water birth, I was shot down by so many well meaning friends and family that I almost didn’t investigate it further. “Ooh, it’s not safe” one said … or more condescending comments like, “Sweetheart, that’s just for hippies, just do what the doctors tell you to do!”
Boy, am I glad I didn’t listen! … My experience of birthing my baby girl in the water was the MOST WONDERFUL & BLISSFUL time in my ENTIRE LIFE!
I guess the reason I didn’t listen to all the negativity was because when I asked all of my “Advisers” who among them had actually had a waterbirth – NONE of them had.
I began going to childbirth classes (NOT the hospital ones – I personally did Hypnobirthing, but there are lots of others to check out) and when I saw numerous waterbirth videos of women laboring so comfortably in pools, baths and spas I KNEW that was what I wanted. Over the next few weeks I became a bit obsessive and started searching YouTube for all the waterbirth videos I could find! – Lucky for you, I have found all the best ones and put them on this website :)
However, this particular page is dedicated to waterbirth videos – QUESTIONS: See below for the most commonly asked questions about water birth and if you have any more then leave a comment below. Enjoy!
Waterbirth Video QUESTION 1 – Benefits Of Water Birth For Mother
To watch more videos that will answer more questions about water birth click here.
Using a midwife is growing in popularity as increasing numbers of women choose midwifery care in some form or another for their pregnancy and birth. Here are some of the top reasons given for choosing a midwife:
Written by Rhonda Young-Pilon, RN BScN, CAPPA trained Labour Doula
There are cardinal signs that labor is in the beginning or early stages, although all signs are unique to each woman. We all have different birth stories, and it can be hard to know when the exact time is beginning.
Research continues to show how effective doula support is for laboring women. Doulas have found to be more effective than family, friends or hospital staff.
Maternal and newborn health researchers have recommended delaying the clamping of the umbilical cord after birth.
A study conducted by Swedish researchers and published on found waiting at least three minutes before undertaking the procedure can protect kids against iron deficiency during infancy.
I can’t help it, I hold grudges. It’s just my personality to seethe over things when I feel like I’ve been dumped on, and it just stews inside my bones, boiling under the surface for months, weeks, years, decades… until I find a way to resolve my anger.
By Hana Askren
WeNews commentator
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
In her doula work Hana Askren finds that women who want a vaginal birth after a Caesarean often cannot find a doctor or hospital to provide this kind of care.
You know in the movies when the woman gives birth and they hand her a perfect, clean 3-month old movie baby? The husband puts his arm around her and they gaze lovingly into each others eyes? Ahhhh, the end. Well, here are just a few of things that can happen after the credits roll. Most of them aren't movie friendly so sadly, the don't get discussed unless you have really good friends that let you in on these little secrets. Not all of them happen to everybody but, chances are, one or more will be added to your new role as motherhood so don't be alarmed.
LONDON -- A new study in England shows little difference in complications among the babies of women with low-risk pregnancies who delivered in hospitals versus those who gave birth with midwives at home or in birthing centers.
Based on the findings, researchers said women with uncomplicated pregnancies in England should be able to choose where they want to give birth – and one expert said about half of all pregnant women here could potentially safely give birth outside a hospital.
Every night millions of mothers and babies the world over sleep close to each other, and the babies wake up just fine. Instead of alarming conscientious parents, like the recent shocking and insensitive ad campaign in Milwaukee did, as reported in the Journal Sentinel, sleep advisors should be teaching parents how to co-sleep safely.
Since I’m a show-me-the-science doctor, consider the following:
Vitamin D deficiency early in pregnancy is associated with a five-fold increased risk of preeclampsia, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
A Michigan project considered a national model is helping women avoid medically unnecessary C-sections and contributing to healthier outcomes for their babies, project organizers report.
Majority of ACOG Recommendations for Patient Care Found to Be Based on Opinion and Inconsistent Evidence
WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 15, 2011)—A study published this month in Obstetrics & Gynecology, the journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, found that barely one-third of the organization’s clinical guidelines for OB/GYN practice meet the Level A standard of “good and consistent scientific evidence.” The authors of the study found instead that the majority of ACOG recommendations for patient care rank at Levels B and C, based on research that relies on “limited or inconsistent evidence” and on “expert opinion,” both of which are known to be inadequate predictors of safety or efficacy.
Nov 2 (Reuters) - Mothers who breastfeed for the recommended period of time, at least six months exclusively, may have a somewhat lower risk of developing high blood pressure later on, a U.S. study of more than 50,000 women said.
A new study from Perth’s Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has found that babies born by elective caesarean are more likely to be admitted to hospital with the serious respiratory infection, bronchiolitis, in the first year of life.
White rice cereal is one of the most commonly recommended first foods for infants. It is easy to make, easy for infants to eat, and easy to sell to parents since it is fortified with important vitamins and minerals like iron.
This article shares information about the common practice of checking for a nuchal cord during the second stage of labour, and unlooping or cutting the cord – interventions that are not evidence-based and can cause birth trauma.
By Linda Charping
Health Department
Published: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 12:38 p.m.
Having a baby can be a wonderful experience, but for most first-time mothers, there are lots of questions, fears and concerns, especially related to labor and delivery. Talking with a health care provider and taking childbirth education classes can help to reassure women and reduce the normal anxieties of childbirth.
More than 20 years ago, a series of tragic events changed Robin Lim’s life forever: her sister, her best friend and the midwife who helped her when she gave birth all lost their lives in the same year.
“Three people, all females, that you love died. You have to decide why you are living,” she said.
Two years later, Lim, a US citizen, decided to move to Ubud, Bali with her family and start over.
“We were reinventing our life,” she said of the reason she and her husband made the transition. “And we heard that Bali had a reputation for strong family values, that parents really take good care of their children.”
Lim’s sister had died while giving birth, despite being in a modern hospital in the United States. A midwife herself, Robin already had a strong commitment to natural childbirth and a link to Asia — she is half Filipino and spent part of her childhood in the Philippines, where her maternal grandmother was a traditional birthing assistant.
Today Lim is known to many as Ibu Robin, or Mother Robin, and leads a non-profit, donation-based organization called Yayasan Bumi Sehat (Healthy Mother Earth Foundation) that focuses on prenatal care, maternal health and child survival.
To read more click here - and don't forget to vote!
A woman has turned childbirth into a work of art by delivering her baby inside an art gallery.
Performance artist Marni Kotak gave birth to her 9lb 2oz son in a specially designed ‘home birth centre’ at the Microscope Gallery in New York.
The 36-year-old chose to have her baby in front of art enthusiasts at the Brooklyn gallery as she believes giving birth is the “highest form of art”.
To read the rest of this article click here.
A legally blind archaeology student uncovered one of the oldest depictions of childbirth yet found, inscribed on a pottery sherd from an Etruscan temple site, perhaps 2,700 years old.
It’s estimated that about 10% of full term babies pass their first bowel movement while still in the womb. It can be a sign of distress or it can be a perfectly normal, physiological event. When a midwife sees meconium in the amniotic fluid, she usually increases her surveillance of the fetal heart rate. The meconium can be well mixed with the amniotic fluid giving the appearance of pea soup or brown gravy. If just meconium is pouring out like oil, the midwife will realize that the baby is presenting bum first (breech).
Parents: Sara and Michael
Date of Birth: April 13, 2011
Baby Info: 9 lbs. 1 oz. | 20.8 inches
Birthplace: Home
Birth trauma. Just after the “emergency” cesarean with my first baby in 2008, if felt as though something had been stolen. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t understand all of my feelings so I just pushed them aside. I had a new baby to take care of, after all. She and I struggled to breastfeed, and struggled to bond in general. We had just moved to the UK for the Air Force and with no support and a husband working 16 hour shifts, I was miserable and suffering from PPD. I just knew I didn’t want more children. I couldn’t guarantee the outcome and I didn’t want another cesarean.
To read the rest of this lovely birth story click here.
JOHANNESBURG — South Africa will no longer distribute free infant milk to public hospitals and clinics in an effort to promote exclusive breastfeeding and lower child mortality, the health minister said Tuesday.
"South Africa is one of only 12 countries in the world where infant mortality has been on the increase and as government we have committed ourselves to changing this unacceptable situation..., said Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.
"Hence reducing child mortality is one of the most important priorities in our country and central to this is breastfeeding as a child survival strategy."
He was speaking at a breastfeeding summit where delegates recommended that infant formula milk should be distributed only if an authorised health practioner gave permission to mothers who, for medical reasons, could not breastfeed.
"It is undeniable that breastfeeding is the very best way to nourish babies - there is, literally, no substitute for it," he said adding that even HIV-positive mothers were encouraged to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months.
Submitted for the Healthy Birth Blog Carnival #6: MotherBaby Edition
Skin to Skin immediately after birth is an extremely important part of the continuum of the nurturing of pregnancy, the process of birth and the transition of nurturing from inside mom to outside mom. This is the natural habitat where baby should transition and begin his own regulations of breathing, heart rate, temperature etc… This is recognized by the AAP in their changes to the Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm back in 2000. The recommendation was to keep baby with mom and provide all initial evaluations and steps with baby on moms chest for all healthy babies! We all know that babies have an inborn innate ability to self attach and nurse right after birth. These recommendations are not just for vaginal births. Kathy Petersen has a beautiful description of the importance of STS after a Cesarean birth on her Woman to Woman Childbirth Education blog in her 5/30/10 post Skin-to-Skin in the O.R. after a C-section.
MB Comment: A new study shows an increase in inflammatory response among pregnant women who receive flu vaccine. This inflammatory response increases the risk of preeclampsia and preterm birth. Preeclampsia is a life-threatening condition characterized by a rapid rise in blood pressure that can lead to seizure, stroke, multiple organ failure and death of the mother and/or baby.
The CDC recommends flu vaccination for pregnant women. Most doctors will unquestioningly follow that CDC dictate. This new study is a stark warning to pregnant women about the safety of CDC-recommended vaccines. Health authorities apparently don’t mind killing you or your baby when they conduct a successful universal vaccination program. Their experts would claim it is a coincidence and state unequivocally that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Inflammatory responses to trivalent influenza virus vaccine among pregnant women.
Vaccine Journal September 2011
In the U.S., seasonal trivalent influenza vaccination (TIV) is currently universally recommended for all pregnant women. However, data on the maternal inflammatory response to vaccination is lacking and would better delineate the safety and clinical utility of immunization. In addition, for research purposes, vaccination has been used as a mild immune trigger to examine in vivo inflammatory responses in nonpregnant adults. The utility of such a model in pregnancy is unknown. Given the clinical and empirical justifications, the current study examined the magnitude, time course, and variance in inflammatory responses following seasonal influenza virus vaccination among pregnant women.
Today is my birthday, and I thought it would be the perfect day to extend a gift to you! For today only, use the code CarriBirthday and you will receive 25% off everything on our site. This code will expire at 12:01 AM October 15th.
Amber Miller sounds almost apologetic when she says yes, she did have an epidural when she delivered daughter June at 10:29 p.m. Sunday. She just didn’t think she had the strength to go without an epidural. Not surprising, considering she had completed the Bank of America Chicago Marathon seven hours earlier.
Really, that last sentence should have a row of exclamation points after it.
In a phone interview from her hospital room, Miller says she wasn’t sure until the last minute whether she was going to run the marathon, her eighth. Not because she didn’t think she could do it, but because it fell eight days before her due date.
“I kind of was thinking it was likely I was going to have her before the race,” says Miller, 27, a stay-at-home mom who lives in the Chicago suburb of Westchester, Ill. After all, son Caleb, now 19 months, was born 18 days before his due date.
But “the night before, I’m still pregnant, I’m still feeling good. I figured I paid for it.”
So what the heck, she thought, not planning on actually completing the whole 26.2 miles. “I thought it’s likely that the last few miles I’m going to get really, really tired.”
On her doctor’s advice, she conserved her energy by alternating between running and walking every two miles. “Pregnancy-wise, I felt fine. The baby was still moving. I was drinking a lot, eating a lot.”
To read the rest of this article and watch the video click here.
In February 2011, the new Cochrane Review of Continuous support for women during childbirth was published.
The study includes 21 randomized controlled trials with 15,060 women with doulas and hospital staff (including 4 newly added trials that compared trained support people from the woman’s own social network (partner, family friends)).
So you have decided you need a doula! What now? First things first, interviews! Each doula has different skills and services that they offer. One may offer a pre labor massage while the next may know how to use hypnobirthing. It is important that the doula you hire supports what you desire to have in your birth.
When I was pregnant with my son in 2007, I read articles, listened to radio broadcasts, and watched TV shows that all reported the alarming rate of C-sections. Since my pregnancy had been without complications up to that point, I assumed this wasn’t something I had to worry about. I was more interested in the increasing popularity of natural birth.
Ottawa - A Canadian mother and professional birth coach has announced she is planning to live stream the birth of her third child on the Internet, in an effort to empower women and promote natural home childbirth. Nancy Salgueiro, a 32-year-old mother of two, says "women and young girls used to be exposed to birth throughout their lives." This changed, she said, "when we took birth out of homes and moved it into the hospital we took away the generations of information handed down from one woman to the next." Salgueiro is on a mission to remove the secrecy and mystery from childbirth and she will do so by broadcasting her third experience with motherhood online. "I feel it's really important for people to see the difference because birth is not what you see on TV. It can be, but it doesn't have to be like that," she said. The mother of two, who is a chiropractor, childbirth educator and natural health expert, has established a website,, where visitors can pre-register for access to the live-stream birth. CBC News reports over 800 people have already signed up for the big event. Updates on her website give women an idea of what to expect during pregnancy. She hopes this will counter women's fears of childbirth.
Do you wonder how comfortable your husband will be with your doula? Good news: this week we brought back Micky Jones, an LLL Leader, doula, lactation trainer, conference speaker, IBCLC, Hypnobabies instructor, and author to guide you through her doula “cheat sheet” for Dads.
Posted by The Skeptical Mother on September 26, 2011
There is a lot of misinformation out there about midwives. Generalizations about their character, why they choose midwifery and how much money they make, have all been misrepresented. I think we deserve to know the truth about midwives and all the different areas of concern. There's a lot of ground to cover and there is a lot I have to learn so I am beginning this post as Part I and will continue with Part II in time. I want to discuss where there is room for improvement as well as the best aspects of midwifery care. I am also interested in interviewing a CPM, so if anyone reading is interested, please let me know.
In this post I'd like to look into a misconception I've been seeing a lot lately.. the salary of the CPM.
(NaturalNews) Pregnant mothers often anxiously await the arrival of their little one. Unfortunately, this anxious waiting has turned into an epidemic of labor induction. Scientific research has recently uncovered the reality that labor induction poses several risks to both mother and baby. In April 2011 Researchers from the Department of Psychiatry at Colorado State University published a study showing a strong relationship between pitocin induction and the incidence of ADHD. Labor induction has been linked in previous studies to increased risk of c-section, instrumental delivery, shoulder dystocia, NICU admission, and respiratory problems in the baby, among other complications. Elective induction of labor should be brought into question as research continues to increase indicating significant health risks without adequate benefit.
Originally posted here on Giving Birth with Confidence.
A doula can be an amazing ally in your journey through pregnancy and birth. Time and again, research shows that doulas can increase a woman’s chance for having a spontaneous vaginal delivery (ie, without vacuum extraction, forceps or cesarean surgery), shorten her time in labor and facilitate a more positive childbirth experience. For my most recent, third birth, I hired a doula for the first time and I will say that I loved having a doula. Even though my actual birth experience was super-fast and allowed very little time for anyone to provide hands-on labor support, my doula provided amazing emotional and informational support and guidance throughout my pregnancy and postpartum — and perhaps the most vital benefit for me, was the confidence I gained by knowing that she would be there for me in labor to help me achieve the epidural-free birth that I wanted.
Now that I have the contrasting birth experiences — two without a doula and one with — I want to yell from the rooftops, “Every woman deserves a doula!” Instead, I thought it would be better to hold a blog carnival on doula support to share with expectant moms and families. We’re looking for stories (and photos!) from moms and dads about your experience with a doula. If you hired a doula for any of your births and had a positive experience, we want to know about it! Think about answering questions like, how did your doula help you in labor — both directly and indirectly; what did your doula do for you in pregnancy and/or postpartum; and, how did the support from a doula affect your birth experience?
Participation in the “What Did Your Doula Do for You” Blog Carnival is easy:
1. If you have a blog, write a blog post on the carnival theme. Post it on your blog by Wednesday, October 5. Make sure the post links back to this blog post. You may also submit a previously written post, as long as the information is still current.
2. Send an email with a link to your post to cterreri [at] lamaze [dot] org.
3. If you do not have a blog but would like to participate, you may submit a story for consideration by emailing it to me.
4. I will compile and post the Blog Carnival here at Giving Birth with Confidence on Friday, October 14.
Happy doula blogging! I can’t wait to read your submissions!
We all know that pregnancy has three trimesters. Most know what happens in each, and all that comes with them. What we don't realize or don't understand is that there is more to pregnancy than growing and then birthing that baby.
Vaginal births after Cesarean (VBACs) are an important part of the question surrounding the rising Cesarean rate in the US. While many organizations support access to VBACs, they are still elusive for many women. Transforming Maternity Care published an article by Amy Romano on Monday that begins:
A specialist clinic at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital has led to a big increase in the number of women choosing natural childbirth having previously had a caesarean section.
The Birth After Caesarean clinic was set up at the Norwich-based hospital by consultant obstetrician Fran Harlow with two specialist midwives.
The number of women opting for a normal delivery after a C section has gone up from 40% to 68% since the clinic launched in May 2010.
The percentage who went on to have a natural birth has also increased from 64% to 73%.
Ms Harlow said often women were not aware that normal birth was possible after a C section.
“It is important the women are allowed to make informed individual choices and if a woman does want to have another caesarean section then that’s fine,” she said.
This week we are thrilled to welcome Laura Fields to the Mother’s Advocate blog to discuss the importance of knowing your options and taking the right childbirth class to ensure a safe and healthy birth.
Posted by Christie Haskell
on August 29, 2011 at 1:53 PM on The Stir
One of the biggest reasons that I know of why women start supplementing with formula in the first couple weeks is because "baby's not gaining enough weight." While a 5 to 7 percent weight loss in the first couple of days after birth is considered totally normal, 10 percent can sometimes result in pediatricians telling the mother she must supplement.
Based on the book When Survivors Give Birth by Penny Simkin, PT and Phyllis Klaus, CSW, MFTthis workshop is specifically designed for pregnant women who are childhood sexual abuse survivors. While sexual abuse is not a topic that many of us like to talk about, it is a stark reality in the lives of many women (and men). And because childbirth can often retrigger previous abuse or trauma, I think it is extremely important for survivors to have the opportunity to prepare for their upcoming birth with specific attention to their history.
In my work as a birth doula, I have learned a lot from my clients about maternity care practices and how they can affect survivors during birth. My intention with this workshop is to help women prepare for their birth (logistically and emotionally), so it can be a new and healing experience.
Please note: while this workshop is not designed to be a process group about sexual abuse, we will hold space for women to tell their stories and relate their past experiences to fears they may have about their upcoming birth.
This workshop is typically held for 3-hours on a weekend afternoon and costs $40.
Very interesting information and something that I am going to look into more!
Recently I met a woman who told me she used to be a runner. Naturally, I asked: Why don't you still run? The answer: "Because 60 hours of labor with my first child and a forceps delivery ruined my desire to run anymore."
To sum up for those who still may not infer the problem: She pees her pants when she picks up the pace.
My friends and I joke about sneeze pee, jumping jack pee, trampoline pee, and other bladder challenges. But full blown incontinence is no laughing matter. I'm a firm believer that a strong pelvic floor is the answer to incontinence (although pharmaceutical companies and surgeons often try to persuade people with other remedies). A strong pelvic floor, I've learned, not only makes the difference between wet and dry running shorts, but also keeps me running pain-free: I no longer suffer from the back and hip problems that used to plague me.
So today I bring you an interview with Katy Bowman. I have had the opportunity to interview Katy for magazine articles. Since becoming a freelance writer 13 years ago I have interviewed scores of sources. Very few I remember. Katy made an impression. She is a biomechanical scientist who applies her knowledge on the human body. Among other things, she has her own DVD program, "Aligned and Well," and is the director of the Restorative Exercise Institute. Her blog, Katy Says, is amazing (and she's as funny as she is smart). I like that combination so I asked her to chime in about the pelvic floor. I had no idea she would rock my pelvic floor world. Even if you've never peed in your running shorts even a little bit, you should still read what she has to say about pelvic floor strength.
Mama Sweat: First, a lot of women just assume it's childbirth that causes incontinence, but I've read that pregnancy itself puts a strain on the bladder (so a c-section won't necessarily save you) and that most women, as they get older--whether they've had children or not--will likely experience problems with incontinence. And even men aren't immune. All this suggests that a weak pelvic floor doesn't discriminate.
Katy Bowman: Nulliparous women (that's women who've never had a baby) and men are equally affected with PFD (pelvic floor disorder) so while child birth may accelerate PF weakening, it is not a primary cause of PFD. PFD is first caused by slack in the pelvic floor due to the fact that the sacrum is moving anterior, into the bowl of the pelvis. Because the PF muscles attach from the coccyx to the pubic bone, the closer these bony attachments get, the more slack in the PF (the PF becomes a hammock).
MS: So rather than a hammock, you'd rather your PF be more like a stretcher--more firm and able to hold up weight without buckling?
KB: I like to think of the PF like a trampoline--the material is supple, but taut...the perfect muscle length.
Posted by Claire Shefchik on September 6, 2011 4:54 PM
Erykah Badu is training to become a midwife, People Magazine reported in an interview with the singer.
Badu, 40, is currently working as a doula, providing expectant mothers with Reiki treatments, massage and support during childbirth, all at no charge. She said she was inspired after helping a friend through a difficult childbirth in 2001, and told the magazine her clients call her "Erykah Badoula."
Doulas do not provide medical care, but the "On and On" and "The Cider House Rules" singer and actress is a spokeswoman for the International Center for Traditional Childbearing. She aims to get her professional certification so she can open natural birthing centers in inner city communities.
We are so honored that Robin wore BINSI for her 8th baby's birth. She is incredible. Please read this wonderful birth story.
By Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE, Guide
In the weeks leading up to Ocho’s birth, my hips had really been aching. I had a lot of trouble finding a comfortable position, sleeping, walking, siting – nothing was good. My bath tub was the closest I came. (I’m afraid of my water bills!)
So on Thursday night, I had a board meeting. It was an insanely long one – 4 and a half hours. I finally got up out of my chair and sat on the floor. Then I just kept wiggling around trying different positions. Plenty of people were afraid I’d have the baby right then, but I knew it wasn’t labor, just hip issues! During the meeting I sent my husband a text message asking him to set me up for a massage appointment on Friday. I needed a prenatal massage, even at 41+ weeks of gestation.
So on Friday I had a busy day – take the kids to school and get a massage. The therapist was new and newly pregnant. We had a very nice time chatting about pregnancy. Despite being over due, I was very calm and not anxious to rush the end of the pregnancy. I asked her not to hit any of the labor triggering points and she did not.
Afterwards I felt pretty good. I decided that I deserved a pedicure too. So I went to the nail salon and decided to be wild and signed up for a pedicure and manicure. As I sat there reading the newest science magazine I started to notice I was having some contractions. Since my last baby was born in about three hours, I was paying attention. I knew that my husband would be totally upset if he missed the birth.
First one contraction. 10 minutes later another… I was beginning to wonder. I left the salon and headed to pick up the older two kids. They wanted to get slushies and it was as good of an excuse as any for me to get my ice chips. While I was in the drive through I decided this was probably early labor, so I bought a whole bag of the ice. I also called my husband and talked to him. I said something like, “I’m not sure it’s early labor and I don’t need you to come home right now, but be ready to drop everything and come home…” He was excited! He also tortured his co-workers by saying loudly, “What? You’re having the baby RIGHT NOW???”
To read the rest of this beautiful birth story click here.
I remember the day my midwife told me about placenta medicine, I cried. I loved that birth had so many blessings to offer our family, and this was completely new to me. I was so excited when Patricia told me she would gladly encapsulate my placenta for me and that taking it would ease the symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) after the birth. Patricia Couch is an amazing midwife. With five kids and a demanding position at the birth center, she still finds time to help mamas like me honor our amazing placentas, and this is our story.
Submitted by Lois Rain on August 31, 2011 – 12:01 am
Oh the things we shall discover from the old adage, An apple a day…
An easy and nutritious cure for acid reflux might be found in an appetizing apple. Other apple products may help as well. Organic apples remedy this problem more than their non-organic counterparts.
The numbers of inductions of labor using artificial means like Pitocin and other medications has gone up dramatically in the last few years. A hospital in my area says that 90 of the women have their labors induced. Since science shows us that inducing labor can increase the numbers of complications in the labor and with the baby, you might be surprised to note that many of the inductions are not for medical reasons, but rather reasons of convenience, practitioner or mother, known as social induction.
To read the rest of this wonderful article click here.
For a growing number of new mothers, there’s no better nutritional snack after childbirth than the fruit of their own labor.
By Atossa Araxia Abrahamian
Jennifer Hughes’s placenta was delivered ten minutes after her first child, just before midnight on March 31. It was on the large side, with a liverish texture and a bluish tinge; it measured nine inches in diameter and weighed a pound and a half. Placentas are considered biohazardous waste by the medical Establishment and are usually disposed of accordingly. Some hospitals send the afterbirth in formaldehyde to a pathology lab for analysis before it is carted off by a tissue-disposal service; others toss it out with bloody miscellany in special containers.
One thing I’ve noticed about pregnancy is that it is a very individualistic experience in many ways. I am the one growing a tiny human inside of me and I will be the one to birth said tiny human. I alone experience the symptoms of this pregnancy: headaches, bloating, nausea…. It is up to me to remember to take my prenatal vitamins and to remember that I can no longer eat that scoop of raw cookie dough (blasted raw eggs!). It’s hard not to feel like you’re going it alone sometimes.
We can hardly believe it ourselves, but BOLD is turning 5. Our little toddler is growing up and we want you to be at the BIRTHday party. There are just a few seats available to see the show live - and plenty of FREE seats for you to watch the performance from the comfort of your home via webcast.
"If you don't already know about her play, you should. Seeing the play and hearing the panel discussions that follow have been eye openers for thousands of women around the world."
~ Henci Goer, The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth
By attending on September 5, you'll get to see a performance of Karen Brody's acclaimed play Birth. It will be aired live via webcast and play live for free a second time in September.
Come to the live event at the brand new Museum of Motherhood.
After the show, you'll be there to watch as BOLD honors the BOLD5 -- The 5 people or organizations that have made creative contributions to improving childbirth choices for mothers in the last 5 years, including:
* Debra Pascali-Bonaro (Orgasmic Birth)
* Kirstin Kreutzer & Anna Van Wagoner (Where's My Midwife?)
* Abby Epstein & Ricki Lake (Business of Being Born & My Best Birth)
* Christy Turlington (No Woman, No Cry & Every Mother Counts)
* White Ribbon Alliance
At the event you will also:
* Be among the very first to see the new script performed live. In this version, there is a new birth and it's a VBAC!
* See Ina May Gaskin as we honor her with the 1st-ever BEing BOLD Lifetime Achievement award.
* Receive a limited edition, collectable, autographed program. (Only 100 are being printed.)
* Hear from the BOLD5 and playwright Karen Brody in our post-show talkback.
* Have a chance to contribute your thoughts about BOLD to the 5th Anniversary DVD that we'll be filming that night.
* Enjoy a slice of birthday cake and a round of Happy Birthday to BOLD, at an intimate post-event reception.
* Help create more mother-friendly maternity options because the proceeds from the show will go to help BOLD, Birth Focus, and the Museum of Motherhood.
* Sit right up front and rub knees with playwright Karen Brody, Ina May Gaskin, Debra Pascali-Bonaro - Orgasmic Birth, Abby Epstein - Business of Being Born, Desirre Andrews - ICAN President, Lisa Reagan - Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine, Elan McAllister - Choices in Childbirth, and other, to-be-named legends of the Birth World. *Available to "BOLD Patrons" only.
* And so much more! (There are some cool surprises firming up right now so we can't tell you about them yet, but we know this is a night people will be talking about for years to come!)
Can't make it to New York? Register for the webcast. Even if you can't be there, we want you to see this show. That's why we're broadcasting the performance live on September 5th and rebroadcasting at a future date which has yet to be determined. It's free, but if you choose to donate, any amount you contribute will be used to help keep BOLD productions happening for another 5 years and beyond.
When you register for the webcast you will:
* See the Internet debut of the play BIRTH and be among the very first to see the new script performed. In this version, there is a new birth and it's a VBAC!
* Watch for free or have the opportunity to enjoy the show even more by making a donation!
* Access the broadcast from wherever you are -- alone or have a BOLD Party. (Save us some cake!)
* See Ina May Gaskin as we honor her with the 1st-ever BEing BOLD Lifetime Achievement award.
* Hear from the BOLD5 and playwright Karen Brody in our post-show talkback.
* Be the first to find out about the date of the rebroadcast of the webcast.
* Get a coupon for the 5th anniversary DVD we are making. Get one for yourself or give it as a gift.
* And much more! (Register - even if you can't attend - so we can keep you in the loop about the rebroadcast time.)
We are webcasting the performance live around the world for free as a way of increasing awareness about mother-friendly maternity care issues. If that is important to you too, please help us tell everyone.
Finally a request: If you consider yourself a Friend of BOLD, we really want your help spreading the word about the free webcast.
Actually we want to let you in on a crazy secret, we love dreaming about the future when all women will have open access to an empowered birth experience and one of our dreams is to have every pregnant woman see this play.
What if as many people knew about Karen Brody's play BIRTH as they do about What to Expect, When You're Expecting?
How would the world be different?
These are the kinds of questions we find ourselves asking, and we won't find out without your help. Please email, tweet, post, and otherwise let people know about this event. (We're open to Carrier Pigeon or Sky Writing too if that's how you roll, let us know how we can help!)
Tell us your birth network will be watching and we'll be sure to mention you at the performance!
Send your friends, family, clients, partners, and random strangers to register for the webcast at
This event is being co-produced by BOLD and Birth Focus of New York City.
September 23, 2010 5:25 pm by katstone in Family BlogHer Original Post
This week at my blog Postpartum Progress, I wrote a post called 20 Things I Never Want to Hear or Read Again, Postpartum Depression Edition. I was inspired to write it after reading similar posts from Arwyn at Raising My Boychick whose list focused on parental judgment, and Kristen at Birthing Beautiful Ideas whose list focused on pregnancy and childbirth.
Victoria Secret model Miranda Kerr used Hypnobirthing techniques to give birth to her son. She says the daily, relaxation breathing exercises and guided imagery she used while she was pregnant had a lot to do with the calm demeanor of her baby boy.
Hypnobirthing classes don't actually involve traditional hypnosis. Women use specific breathing exercises to relax enough so that they don't need epidurals or medications which are usually given to speed up labor (and can intensify contractions).
Kerr joins actress Jessica Alba who also talked about taking these classes to have a medication-free natural birth. The specific training exercises allow for a more peaceful birthing process.
While natural, medication-free births are common in other countries, it is less likely a woman in the United States would have a natural birth.
By: SUSAN LONDON, Family Practice News Digital Network
VANCOUVER, B.C. – An ultrasound diagnosis of fetal macrosomia at term is inaccurate in the majority of cases, and this inaccuracy may be contributing to unnecessary cesarean deliveries, new data suggest.
In an observational cohort study of 235 pregnancies at term in which ultrasound measurements led to a diagnosis of fetal macrosomia, only about a third of the infants were actually macrosomic at birth. Additionally, these pregnancies with ultrasound-diagnosed fetal macrosomia were more than twice as likely as all pregnancies in the population to end in cesarean delivery, according to results reported at the annual meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.
Ultrasound-estimated fetal weight "is not very accurate, and we have to counsel patients on that, when they come to ultrasounds and they are worried that they are going to have this [enormous] monstrosity of a baby," lead investigator Dr. Alese Wagner said in an interview. "You can tell them [that] most of the time, we are off."
She further recommended that physicians keep this new information in mind when it comes to recommending delivery interventions for a pregnancy in which the ultrasound suggests macrosomia.
Surprisingly, the accuracy of ultrasound in assessing fetal weight is similar to that found with simple clinical palpation, according to Dr. Wagner, a third-year resident in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Calgary in Alberta.
When Kelly Brown gave birth three years ago, she labored for 22 hours, much of the time hooked up to an IV line that restricted her movement. Repeatedly offered pain medication she did not want, she narrowly avoided getting a Caesarean section.
Best evidence: When making important maternity decisions, women should have information from the best available research about the safety and effectiveness of different choices. In general, we can be most confident about results of systematic reviews that summarize randomized controlled trials (or RCTs, a type of study).
The end of pregnancy can be so hard. You are ready to throw in the towel and give up. Swollen ankles, face and every other body part, stretch marks, feeling like you need a crane to help lift you and turn you in bed, the waddle, pelvic and pubic bone pain, and who knows what else. But you can’t…give up.
To read the rest of this wonderful post click here.
Posted by AngEngland on August 4th, 2011 at 9:30 am on Babble
I was talking to a guy the other day who had two children. In his culture larger families are quite common and I asked if he thought they would have more children later. He said, “No – we are still paying off our second child.”
Before hospitals became part of the basic standard of care, women gave birth at home. Now, it seems that home birthing is back.
Hollywood moms are increasingly opting to have their babies at home rather than in the hospital. Jennifer Connelly, Gisele Bundchen, Alanis Morissette and Alyson Hannigan are all new moms who are part of this growing trend.