A friend of mine, Bonnie, wrote a hilarious Facebook note. I know Bonnie from our former Olympic-style weightlifting days. She's also turned endurance athlete (although...she is much more "athlete" than I!). She has two beautiful children brought into this world by 100% natural childbirth (awesome!) and a new baby girl on the way. Oh, and she did her first marathon in March, averaging a sub ten minute mile pace, which leaves me picking my jaw off the ground. Her husband is an Ironman. (What a group of slackers. Ha!)
Here's her post!
"Two years ago my husband completed his first Ironman triathlon in Louisville, KY. Having never participated in an Ironman competition-it was hard for me to imagine what one would be like.
But as I listened to him describe the life changing experience it sounded very familiar. It sounded a lot like natural childbirth-which I have experienced.
I decided to list the similarities and this is what I came up with:
• Both events are preceded by multiple trips to the bathroom. (some are false alarms caused by nerves)
• Initial excitement slowly fades to self-doubt and towards the end you find yourself thinking, or saying or SCREAMING, “I will NEVER do this again!”
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