Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chance or Choice?

A Note From Carri:

I loved this post! There is so much more to a birth story than the stats of how long you were in labor and how big your baby was. I am a woman that had fast labors, but there were back stories to them as well, and it does make a difference. We all have to make choices throughout our pregnancies and labor, and it is how we navigate through them that makes the difference between chance or choice.


Posted on April 21, 2011 by birthsmart

Many people believe that birth is very uncontrollable and the kind of labor you have is “luck of the draw”. And while that is true in a sense, I also KNOW that there are specific practices that can reduce a woman’s risk of various complications happening (like good nutrition, exercise, or not hiring the Dr. with the 70% c-section rate . . .). Birth is an experience of a lifetime and has emotional and physical challenges no matter how the birth story unfolds, but in my work, I am constantly reminded that women have more power than they realize to create the birth experience they desire. Three women I have recently helped to support illustrate this concept well.

To read the rest of this wonderful post click here.

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