Monday, November 16, 2009

BornFit is Clearing the Warehouse and you are invited!

Sample Sale

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6:00pm - 8:30pm
10655 W. 85th Place, Arvada, CO
Hosted by: Beckie Mostello

Join us for an evening of drinks, desserts, and great BornFit deals!

BornFit is clearing the warehouse of samples and clearance items! Great deals on new styles just in time for the Holidays! Get a raffle ticket for each girlfriend you bring for a chance to win a free BornFit piece!

More info: email
or Call 303.420.4954

Thursday, November 12, 2009

5 Reasons to Avoid Induction of Labor

The Risk of Inducing Labor
By Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE,

The induction of labor can be done for many reasons, including many valid medical reasons. However, the rise in the rate of social inductions, or elective inductions is on the rise. As the induction rate rises there are more babies and mothers placed at risk for certain complications. Here are five risks of induction that you may not know about:

1. Increased risk of abnormal fetal heart rate, shoulder dystocia and other problems with the baby in labor.

Labor induction is done by intervening in the body's natural process, typically with powerful drugs to bring on contractions or devices that are used to break the water before labor starts. Both of these types of induction can cause the baby to react in a manner that is called fetal distress as seen by fetal monitoring.

The nature of induction like contractions may also be more forceful than natural labor. This can cause your baby to assume or stay in an unfavorable position for labor making labor longer and more painful for the mother. It can also increase the need for other interventions as well.

2. Increased risk of your baby being admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Babies who are born via induction have not yet sent signals to the mother to start labor. This means that they simply aren't yet ready to be born. This risk is worth it if the baby or mother's lives are in danger, but simply to take this risk for elective reasons may not be well advised.

When a baby is in the intensive care unit there is less ability for you to be with your baby or to hold your baby. Breastfeeding usually gets off to a rocky start as well. This can usually be avoided by giving birth when your body and baby say it is time.

3. Increased risk of forceps or vacuum extraction used for birth.

When labor is induced babies tend to stay in unfavorable positions, the use of epidural anesthesia is increased and therefore the need to assist the baby's birth via the use of forceps and vacuum extraction is also increased.

4. Increased risk of cesarean section.

Sometimes labor inductions don't take, but it's too late to send you home, the baby must be born. The most common cause of this is that the bags of waters has been broken, either naturally or via an amniotomy. Since the risk of infection is greater, your baby will need to be born via c-section.

A cesarean in an induced labor is also more likely for reasons of malpresentation (posterior, etc.) as well as fetal distress.

5. Increased risks to the baby of prematurity and jaundice.

Induction can be done before your baby is ready to be born, because your due date is off or because your baby simply needed more time in the womb to grow and mature their lungs. Your baby may also be more likely to suffer from jaundice at or near birth because of the induction. This can lead to other medical treatments as well as stays in the hospital for your baby.

Being born even a week or two early can result in your baby being a near term or late preterm infant. This means that your baby is likely to have more trouble breathing, eating and maintaining temperature.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Controversies in Childbirth Conference

Tampa, Florida February 19-21, 2010

A just-announced seminar at the Controversies in Childbirth Conference February 19-21, 2010, in Tampa, Florida, may change labor and delivery in the United States.

Most freestanding maternity facilities meet the present criteria for "birth centers"-no drugs, few interventions, no on-site surgery? Can another type of non-hospital facility be viable? So many women want epidurals! Can obstetricians and midwives create and co-manage freestanding community-based maternity facilities that allow epidurals and other forms of obstetric anesthesia, as well as emergency cesarean sections? The discussion will cover:

• What is safe and what is not
• Restrictions of current laws
• Who should own this kind of maternity facility?
• Who should deliver there?
• Profitability
• Current examples of such facilities in other countries
• Malpractice issues & availability of malpractice insurance
• Inclusion in healthcare reform
• Potential effects on midwives, doulas, hospitals, childbirth educators, and homebirth
• Potential effects on cesarean rate


This conference is neutral territory, which means there is no agenda to promote any particular viewpoint. Many sessions are debate format so you are exposed to all sides of an issue.

We have also added other new and exciting seminars, including:
• Using Health Freedom Acts to Give Pregnant Patients What They Want
• Why Are Hospital Staff Confused by the Role of the Doula?
• Botched Home Birth or Appropriate Transport?
• Why Obstetricians Hate Birth Plans
• Childbirth Practices: Lessons From Two UK Hospitals
• The VBAC Issue from the Obstetrician's Point of View
• Is Natural Birth Antithetical to the Practice of Nursing?
• Can Chiropractors Safely Turn Breeches, Or Are They Endangering Babies?
• Lessons Learned from a Failed Attempt to Open a Freestanding Birth Center

Plus many more! CMEs and CEUs are being applied for.

A full list of seminars and speakers is available on the conference website:

If you are an: Obstetrician, Pediatrician, Family Physician, CNM, CPM, Licensed Midwife, Nurse, Manager, Hospital Administrator, HMO, Regulator, Doula, Educator, Lactation Consultant, Public Health Professional or Advocate you are urged to attend this amazing conference.

You can register on the website or by calling our registration line at: 512-709-4022

If you have questions, please call our registration line, or email:

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Discussion About Birth Rape and Its Results

Found on the Associated Content website

A Discussion About Birth Rape and Its Results

We all know that birth trauma can occur in infants, but what about women? For years women have been suffering in silence from birth trauma that results from their treatment during labor and delivery of their child. The feelings some women have about their negative experiences are
overwhelming, so much so that some women suffer from PTSD afterwards. Some women refer to their treatment as birth rape, especially if they had instruments placed inside them without their consent.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009